The first Apocephalus borealis of the season emerged over the weekend from honey bees collected in the Lynnwood Washington area. Larvae are still emerging as of today. - more
Zombie bees: A parasitic fly known as Apocephalus borealis can inject its eggs into a honeybee's abdomen, where the fly larvae mature. The parasitized bees abandon their hives and walk in circles — but eventually they fall over. "It really ... - more
Want to become a "ZomBee hunter"? An unexpected observation led Professor John Hafernik to a new honey bee parasite, the zombie fly, Apocephalus borealis. Parasitized bees become disoriented, fly to lights at night and behave like zombie bees. Now you ... - more
This is a macro video of a zombie bee larvae from a captured honey bee that was infected. It took the larva about 2 weeks to emerge and become visible. This sample was sent off to WSU for additional study. ... - more