Listen to SparkDialog's Dr. Elizabeth Fernandez interview ZomBee Watch's John Hafernik about bees, zombees and citizen science. - more
Seventh graders from the Sandwich, Massachusetts STEM Academy have joined with ZomBee Watch and the Planet Bee Foundation to search for honey bees parasitized by the zombie fly Apocephalus borealis. So far, zombie bees have not been recorded from Massachusetts. ... - more
The JP2 Rockslides from Zimmerman MN won first in their division and third overall in the MN 2017 State Robotics Tournament. Their research project included providing light traps to beekeepers to test for zombie fly infections. Now they are off ... - more
Congratulations to Ayla Fudala of the Planet Bee Foundation! Her blog on ZomBee Watch and Planet Bee’s K-12 outreach program was published on the the Discover Magazine Blog and the SciStarter Blog. Earlier this month, SciStarter and Discover Magazine also ... - more