The Bee Informed Partnership in collaboration with the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), released preliminary results for the ninth annual national survey of honey bee colony losses. For the first time, summer ... - more
ZomBee Watch Director John Hafernik will deliver the keynote address at this year's EcoFest in Pacifica, California. The theme this year is "Bee the Change, Bee an Earth Hero." EcoFest begins at 11:30 AM Saturday April 18. It will take ... - more
Check out Megha Satyanarayana's front page story about the discovery of zombie honey bees in Pennsylvania published by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. - more
It's not a Halloween prank! Beekeeper and ZomBee Watch citizen scientist Sherry Grenzberg has discovered honey bees parasitized by Apocephalus borealis in her Mountain Top, Pennsylvania hives. Read the news release. Check out a story at US News and World ... - more